
A New Book Has Hatched!

The North American Bluebird Society (NABS) is proud to announce the publication of Get to Know Bluebirds: A Guide for Young Nature Lovers. The book, which is aimed at a younger audience, has been written by Myrna Pearman, retired biologist and nature writer/photographer, with the able assistance of Bet Zimmerman Smith and other members of the NABS Education Committee. Its pages are graced with beautiful photographs donated by bluebirders from across North America, and it has been designed to make learning about bluebirds a fun and appealing adventure. With this book, NABS hopes to kindle a fire and a love for bluebirds in young people across this continent.

Get to Know Bluebirds: A Guide for Young Nature Lovers is available at this link as a downloadable (27 MB) PDF file. We encourage you to download the book and share it as widely as possible!  The book is only available in electronic format at this time.